Setting up a Juniper EX2200-C with LACP

 06.06.2013 -  Louis Kowolowski

Setting up a (brand new) Juniper EX2200c (the 12 port fanless version of the EX2200) to use LACP with a Mac Pro.

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FreeBSD, Dovecot and Sieve

 03.05.2013 -  Louis Kowolowski

This outlines the things I had to do on the backend to get sieve filtering working on Dovecot 2.x on FreeBSD   .

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IPv6 Privacy Extensions

 10.02.2013 -  Louis Kowolowski

Many operating systems use the EUI-64 algorithm to generate IPv6 addresses. This algorithm derives the last 64 bits of the IPv6 address using the MAC address. Many see this as a privacy problem. The last half of your IP address will never change, and with MAC addresses being somewhat unique, the interface ID becomes close to a unique “cookie” identifying your system.

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Dell MD3000i Factory Reset

 10.02.2013 -  Louis Kowolowski

Quick note on what I had to lookup when I needed to reset a Dell MD3000i to factory defaults. This process assumes you have the proper cable already (it looks like a headphone jack on one end and an rs232 on the other).

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Cisco and LACP

 10.02.2013 -  Louis Kowolowski

I have a FreeNAS machine which has 4 ethernet ports on it. I’d like to setup LACP so I can get more than 1 Gbit of traffic on/off the NAS. In order to do this, I need to make some changes to both my FreeNAS machine and my switch.

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SSH keys on network devices

 22.01.2012 -  Louis Kowolowski

I got an oppertunity to upgrade my Cisco 2960G switch to something supporting SSH keys (12.2(58)SE2). I wanted to know how the process compares with my Juniper EX switches.

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