My Apps

 23.01.2006 -  Louis Kowolowski -  ~3 Minutes

Useful Apps

This is a list of some Apps (and links if they aren’t in the Apple App Store) I find useful (many are available through homebrew’s cask system).

App Store

  • Pages/Numbers/Keynote Wordprocessor/Spreadsheet/Presentation: Useful for handling those business tasks that come up.
  • Omni Suite Set of tools: OmniGraffle, OmniPlan, OmniOutliner, OmniFocus. All good tools which help with diagrams, resource planning/tracking, outlines, and task management.
  • Kindle Sometimes, when you’re reading a technical book, its handy to be able to look at your screen and flip back and forth between something you’re working on, and your book. This makes it easy.
  • 1Password Everybody needs a password manager. This one integrates across platforms (Mac/Windows, iOS/Android). Easily creates passwords of differing complexity (not all web forms have the same requirements), and updates when you change the password.
  • Airconsole   This is a nifty tool, both the software and hardware. Good when you have to connect to a serial console and you don’t want to tether your device directly.



  • VMware Fusion   Handy for deploying small test virtual machines
  • Fluid   This app allows you to build browser based apps that have a pre-defined URL. You can have dedicated cookie and cache storage as well.
  • Bartender   Take control of the icons in your bar. Not all screens are wide enough to have so many icons.
  • ExpanDrive   Nice access to remove volumes over protocols like sftp.
  • iStat Menus   Keep track of resource consumption in your menu bar (CPU, memory, disk, network, temperature). The date/calendar is also a nice improvement, offering timezones in addition to a full month.
  • Lingon   Nice interface for dealing with launchd setup/config, particularly things like specifying when an application or script will get launched
  • Little Snitch   I like to keep track of what my apps are doing on the network.